Course features
“A Problem based and oriented dissection course.”
This course features:
6 modules of problem based dissections. Each module consits of lectures on pathophysiology, indications for surgery and surgical approach, followed by a demonstration dissection and hands on Cadaver workshop.
more 18 hours fully equipped Hands-on Cadaver Head Workshop, with powered instrumentation and navigation (2 delegates per Thiel embalmed cadaver head)
3D anatomy and lectures by keynote speakers
A recording of the demonstration dissections will be available for delegates after the course.
24 CME credits and for Belgian specialists RIZIV accreditation included
We are delighted to welcome you to the 34th International FESS course Ghent. Once more we have the pleasure of having with us an outstanding international faculty to teach, guide and amaze us. More than 14 hours of Thiel embalmed cadaveric dissections provide an excellent opportunity for participants to get hands-on experience and update their knowledge of endoscopic sinus surgery and its many approaches.
Each participant station will be equipped with high quality endoscopes, tools, neuronavigation, high speeds drills and suction systems to simulate operation room settings.
Interaction between participants and faculty is key: We aim to create an environment that promotes open discussions and participation